is this what progress looks like?

well, it seems i finally have a bit of momentum in my life. 2 days out 3 writing in my journal; 4 or 5 resumes sent off for jobs out of the city; 3 consecutive daily posts here in my blog; biking with a bit more regularity; finding time to make it to the farmers' markets to get fresh healthy food and drop off compost; and, i just had my annual physical, and it seems my cholesterol has "improved significantly"! (which comes as a supreme shock, considering my unrestrained love of CHEESE)

good. all time well spent.

so, i'm announcing to the universe, that it is time for CHANGE. i'm sure there are a few more changes i could/should make, but BABY STEPS, right?? i can't do everything all at once.

i also can't do it all by myself. so, great spirit of whoever/whatever/wherever, how about a little helping hand? or, hell, at least stand on the sidelines, cheer me on, and hand me one of those refreshing, cool cups of water!


<3 I'm sure you will achieve it! good luck, srsly. hugs and kisses. I'm so excited you'll be coming to my town! :)

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