The "Idle Janie" Journal - Days 31 through 35
Photo credit: David Bryan, Nimes, France October 2017
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 31
“CH CH CH CH CHANGE-is . . . scarce?”
So by now, I assume we’ve all heard that there is a national shortage of change?
WHAT?? What the hell else is 2020 going to bring us?? This is getting kinda crazy!
Theory #1: When the economy shut down and everyone was basically ordered to stay-at-home, we all basically stopped going out and spending money. To add to that, with 40 million people out of work, people wondered when or how they were going to make any more money. I don’t know what all of those folks used to do with their change, but I have feeling they all started stockpiling their pennies, nickels and dimes on a daily basis. Whenever a purchase was made, that leftover loot was put into a piggy bank, as we all figured we’d better start saving for a rainy day. Now, with the Pandemic Unemployment Insurance set to expire, everyone is going to have to tighten their spending further. And with the GDP dropping almost 33% over the last quarter, those actual quarters are now looking like a pot of gold at the end of a very short rainbow. As the bank accounts of the blue collars continue to contract, I assume we’ll soon see all those coins coming back into circulation — as that’s gonna be the only currency left with which to buy breakfast.
Theory #2: Our greedy government, not happy with how many small businesses actually somehow managed to survive — as it prevents the prosperous from fully taking the remaining pennies from the poor — has somehow ceased the circulation of coins in an attempt to literally starve the populace. Maybe this was, as some have claimed, an attempt by the egregiously affluent to seize as much money as they can, in what amounted to the largest financial transaction in the history of the country. We all saw the booming businesses that filed for those “small business” loans, and that coveted Paycheck Protection Program, with literally billions in stimulus money going to the likes of:
Kanye West’s company, Yeezy
Jared Kushner’s family
Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao
Trump’s campaign manager’s company
Trump’s Super PAC
Betsy Devos
Devin Nunes’ Winery
Rep. Roger Williams (TX)
Dr. Phil
The Church of Scientology
White House Press Secretary Keyleigh McEnany’s parents
Are you kidding me????? This is an outright offensive takeover of our tax dollars, a savings-and-loan swindling government grifting billionaire bailout hedge fund hijacking corporate cronyism nepotistic seizure of any and all assets available.
We’ve been had, folks. And they’re not even trying to hide it — it’s there in plain sight. They are robbing us blind in an apparent Robin Hood Reversal. Take from the poor and give to the rich. Billionaires in positions of political power pandering to business interests, lobbyists, and leeches.
With no coins in circulation, you’ll soon see some more small businesses bite the bullet: dollar stores, laundromats, arcades, vending machine companies — even public transit will be in trouble. As well as the small businesses unable to make change for their customers carrying only cash. No credit card, no comestibles. Probably time this country went on a diet anyway.
As seen in the Los Angeles Times: “Lower-income consumers tend to transact more in cash. . . . It makes things harder for [them] to get the very basic things they need.” First the pennies, eventually the paper bills. A cashless economy will only compound the problems of the poor. We have GOT to figure out a way to stop this assault on the already struggling working class.
Who the hell is in charge, here, anyway??? Looks like most of us will soon be bound for bankruptcy.
Tough times ahead. Rat taco, anyone?
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
Photo credit: David Bryan, Saint-Germain-les-Belles, France May 2018
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 32
“The Days Between”
In the midst of all the insanity of 2020, with folks at odds about everything under the sun, at the very least there is one thing that will unify MANY millions of Americans for the next nine days: the short life of Jerry Garcia.
The importance and impact of the life, art, music, and philosophy of Garcia has steadily accelerated since his premature death in 1995. Fans of the band (“Deadheads”) now celebrate annually a period of observance known as “The Days Between” (taken from a Garcia/Hunter song of the same name), those days being August 1st through August 9th—which mark the birth (the 1st) and death (the 9th) of Garcia.
This annual celebration has grown each and every year, with countless fans promoting and producing more music, more art, more poetry, more designs, and MORE LOVE than the last. No one will probably ever know or really be able to explain just WHY this band from the 60’s — with Garcia at the helm — continues to garner so many numerous new fans with each passing revolution around the sun. We are a wide and diverse lot, spreading across many spectrums: politics, age, gender, race.
Some of us “deadheads” have had heated battles online about masks and social distancing and hydroxychloroquine and vaccines and conspiracy theories over the last few months. But I GUARANTEE YOU that now — TODAY — and for the next nine days, those issues will take a back seat somewhat, as we all remember that which matters most to all of us: MUSIC. And, specifically, the music made by one man.
For those unfamiliar with this phenomenon, at the very least you can take some semblance of comfort in knowing that millions of your fellow citizens will be taking a break from bashing each other online, as we instead turn our attention to a de facto holy period of remembrance, love, and appreciation. As this once-in-a-century global pandemic rages around us, I can’t help but think how amazing it is to be alive right now to experience such a novel chapter in human history. And then I think that, not only was I alive on this earth the same time as Jerry Garcia, but that I got to personally see him play on 32 different occasions.
What a time to be alive. For that, I am GRATEFUL.
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
The other night when I did a livestream of all original music, I said something along the lines of “like any good songwriter, I’ll never tell what the lyrics mean!”
Ok, I lied. 

As we enter day two of “The Days Between,” I think of all the songs Jerry and Robert wrote together, and how influential they were on me and my own backlog of songs. Figured I’d share one (and only one!) today — a peek inside the mind of this musician.
I think the year was 1992. I was in a ’67 VW Microbus with some good friends traveling from NC to Landover, MD to see the Grateful Dead. I’m pretty sure we had some of the “devil’s lettuce” along for the ride.
We were listening to Pink Floyd.

I had always been somewhat a fan of Floyd, but didn’t know much about the band. My friend Ken who was a DIE HARD fan of theirs — the kind of guy who wore all black all the time, had boarded up his bedroom windows to keep out the sunlight, had several blacklights and a few colorful posters on the walls for effect, and a top notch sound system through which he would blast their albums — told me about Syd Barrett. That, as one of the founding members of the band, he was, after a short stint, “ousted from the band amid speculation of mental illness and his excessive use of psychedelic drugs” (Wikipedia).
He told me that Barrett’s bandmates still cared very much about him, but could just no longer work with him. And he told me how the song “Shine on, you crazy diamond” was a tribute to their friend and former fellow musician. The song smacked me hard upon hearing this story, producing a profound sense of sadness. As I stared out the window while we barreled down the highway, pondering this poor soul, the phrase “shine on” kept creeping through my mind. That very night I wrote the words to my original tune “Lingering.” It’s not the most sophisticated song, but I was young when I wrote it — and also under the influence. 

Anyway, here it is. The recording (link below) is also rough, as it was made in a basement 20+ years ago — before I had ever even picked up a mandolin! And yes, I know the keyboard playing is choppy. What can I say, I'm self taught! 

Oh we are all the parts
The parts of a machine
We are all separate
But dependent on the other
From the cry of our piano
Won’t you please hear our plea
Shine on you spinning moons
Welcome to our galaxy
Through the row of the trees in deep succession
The cloud hands all appear
The hungry wolf
On the eye on the prey
Is gonna fly so high
In the stopping light
The lead player
Of the band is through
There is nothing left
Of the cloud covered sky
The sadness of our friend
Of our friend who is gone
The solo of his instrument
Is long to be heard
Now can you tell the fear
Of that same dove
Playing the smallest guitar
Right through his pain
When singing through this the other night, I realized “this song could very easily have been about Jerry.”
It’s not. But I dedicate it to him today. Thanks, Jer.
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 34
“I Just Don’t Know What To Believe Anymore”
Is anyone else’s head absolutely spinning from all the NOISE out there? On mainstream media, social media, ALL media, there are more and more and more and more memes, articles, headlines, studies, and opinions that all just contradict one another.
Virus vs. hoax!
Mask vs. no mask!
Hydroxychloroquine vs. remdesivir!
Vaccines vs. anti-vaxx!
Republican vs. democrat!
Mail-in vs. in-person voting!
Protesters vs. thugs!
Black lives matter vs. all lives matter!
Schools open vs. virtual learning!
Lockdown states vs. open the economy!
Unemployment insurance vs. lazy people making more by not working!
Parties vs. social distancing!
Fauci vs. Immanuel!
Pandemic vs. Plandemic!
Single payer vs. status quo!
Trump vs. Biden!
Virus stats vs. states inflating numbers!
Conspiracies vs. caught you in the act!
Did I miss any????
I’m going seriously insane! Who or what the hell can we believe about anything anymore? For every single issue, there is an opposite opinion, and both sides are just screaming at each other ad infinitum!
Looks like our “president” has won the “wear them down” war. Even with a rapidly dwindling minority of very vocal supporters, he has successfully sidelined any semblance of TRUTH. It really feels like it’s all fake.
The truth is out there! Right, Mulder???
Suuuuuurrrrrre, Scully. Sure it is. 

This whole damn country needs to take a vacation.
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
Photo credit: David Bryan, New York, New York January 2020
The "Idle Janie" Journal - Day 35
"How Many Of You Read This Last Year?"
Day off for Janie, as Althea had to go to the vet for dental surgery today. Her appetite is back in full force, and she was an absolute rockstar today!
So I give you a post from last year. Did any of you see this???? I wrote this last July. Check it out if you haven't already!
Did I call it it what??? 

Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026