The "Idle Janie" Journal - Days 46 through 50


Photo credit: David Bryan, York, England May 2019

The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 46

“Someone Please Pinch Me So I Can Wake Up”
This is seriously devolving into a national nightmare. Have we all been asleep for four years? Is this all just a dream?
After just talking about his tirade against shower heads earlier this week (Day 44 in this journal), I’m just now hearing about another recent incident that smacks of a bad dream sequence dripping with absurdity. Dreams themselves in real life can be interesting, thought-provoking, and sometimes fun, but lately the sequence borders on the irrational, the psychotic, and the fractured. This current nightmare is like a bad marriage of the movies “The Cell,” and “Dreamscape,” who then decide to have a threesome with “Inception,” the result of which is an out-of-wedlock illegitimate unwanted baby they named “The Matrix.”
That is to say, there is repeatedly some REALLY bizarre shit going on, and I’m not sure if I’m awake or asleep or in another dimension or some sort of parallel universe or what. It’s no longer interesting, and is bordering on the insane.
So what I came across, which some of you probably already heard about, was the White House holding a . . . a photo op? Press briefing? News conference? Political rally? Standup comedy special? I’m not really sure what to call ANYTHING around this misadministration anymore??? Regardless, whatever it was, they had two pickup trucks present — two NEW SHINY PRETTY pickup trucks — one blue and one red, ostensibly to represent the Democrat and Republican parties.
The optic was such:
* The blue truck had 3 heavy looking “1 ton” blocks in the back (like those “tons” used in Looney Tunes cartoons LOL™), with a banner across the side of the truck that read “40 years of regulatory burden.”
* The red truck was a mirror image except the banner read “4 years of regulatory freed,” and those “3 tons” were suspended in air above the back of the truck by a large crane with a banner on it that read “Trump Administration.”
The desired message obviously being that previous administrations have hindered the entire economy and big business with regulations that are just plain dumb — and that he has single handedly “lightened the load” for everyone by dispensing with said regulations over the last few years.
What an imbecile!! On so many levels. These are the people running this country??? No wonder we are where we are currently. But he made his point. And here are just a couple of mine:
* I’m not an ace at grammar, but isn’t “regulatory” an adjective and “freed” a verb? Uh, ya English much, bro? (And how did NOBODY in his administration either notice this or think to bring it up??)
* What a terrible use of taxpayer money. Couldn’t you simply have made the claim in your speeches that you are alleviating our economy from deleterious regulations? (Which is, in itself, absolute HOGWASH!)
* Uh, 40 years? So, you’re not only attacking Obama and Clinton’s regulatory policies, but also RONALD REAGAN, GEORGE H. W. BUSH, AND GEORGE W. BUSH AS WELL???? This guy has a serious messiah complex. Only, he most likely doesn’t believe in the messiah. Or god. Or anything religious, for that matter.
* Also, if you’re gonna do this stupid circus show, at least put some brains behind it (Hello, point #1!) and use a beat up blue truck instead of a brand new one. Missed opportunity, you idiot!
It all kinda reminds me of that wholly bizarre moment at his June Oklahoma rally — the one where Herman Cain refused to wear a mask and most likely contracted the virus that killed him a month later — where he spent like 5 minutes talking about his awesome ability to drink water from a glass using only one hand, which he then proceeded to demonstrate to thunderous applause.
Jesus, I hope these types of stunts aren’t reported in countries around the world. Maybe just maybe they don’t think them important enough to share, and just ignore them. I’m seriously so embarrassed to be an American right now.
Back to the matter at hand: trucks??? Shiny new trucks! Is it that his base is so, well, base — that he has to resort to stupid tricks and catchy slogans (Sleepy Joe, anyone?) and flashy things in order to hold their attention? It’s like he’s thinking “Oh! I remember watching Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and he did that cool thing with the land of make-believe…. Hmmm…. Maybe I can take my supporters on that little train ride to go visit all those magical places and fun people and cute creatures! That’d be fun! BIGLY FUN!”
Unfortunately, he missed the ENTIRE point of Mister Rogers — which, as best I can remember, was about simple things like acceptance, compassion, communication, humanity, understanding, empathy, friendship, tolerance, and even happiness and joy. There doesn’t seem to be an ounce of any of these in this individual. Or the clowns with which he has surrounded himself.
The repeated likes of this stunt are your hard-earned tax dollars at work, folks. That and a BUNCH of bombs. BIG bombs! And a bunch of real super speedy neat-o bomber airplanes! Oh, and a fun little stroll through a park void of tear-gassed peaceful protestors for a photo op with a really fun upside down book in front of a pretty building with Jesus stuff on it! I LIKES JESUS! He really was the coolest white dude ever to walk the face of the earth. Not too sure about his politics, but MAN was he nice!
Oh, and your tax dollars are also currently being spent on the physical removal of hundreds of mail sorting and processing machines as well as innumerable mailboxes across the nation, in an attempt to suppress mail-in voting for this year's election — even at the same time while he is ordering absentee ballots for himself and his wife to be able to vote by mail this November.
Maybe we’re just living in a really surreal B-movie. Like a 2nd cousin twice removed from the cinematic spawn mentioned above. Hitchcock comes to mind.
I’m rewatching “Idiocracy” tonight, so I can know what to expect next. Or maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and the last four years will all be different. That’d be swell, i tell ya!

Photo credit: David Bryan, Arles, France October 2017

Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026


Photo credit: David Bryan, Avignon, France October 2017

The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 47
“Careful With Those Eggs”
I have a question for those who intend to vote for Trump this November — if we even have a fair election at all (which I will write about soon).
It seems that the rift between right and left grow almost exponentially daily. On every imaginable issue, we are drifting further and further apart: masks; severity of the coronavirus; opening the economy back up completely; kids returning to schoolrooms; black lives matter; universal health coverage; gun law reforms; federal unemployment assistance during a pandemic — the list goes on and on. And, for the most part, it seems that the response to all of these issues are fairly predictable, and that folks are lining up 100% behind one “side” or the other.
And then there is the United States Postal Service.
There is a travesty unfolding before our very eyes. A very coordinated, deliberate attack that is going to affect every single American equally from sea to shining sea. For those who haven’t been following, here is a very abridged version of the story. Try to keep up, I know this post (no pun intended) is a little longer than your usual internet meme:
In 2006, the republican-led congress passed a law forcing the USPS to prepay its health and pension benefits for future retirees DECADES in advance, which NO other government entity or corporation does, or has ever been required to do. 75 YEARS into the future, to be exact. THAT’S TWO AND A HALF GRATEFUL DEAD TENURES.
This was apparently an attempt to bankrupt it so its business could be privatized for profit. Fast forward 14 years, and the USPS is in financial trouble. Mind you, they are not in trouble due to poor leadership or fiscal irresponsibility. They are in trouble for the VERY SAME reason that WE ALL are in trouble (except for the rich honkies, of course): THE CORONAVIRUS. When the economy shut down earlier this year and countless businesses went 100% virtual, the post office lost much of the revenue that would normally keep them afloat. So they are in the very same boat that much of America is in due to an international pandemic — and that boat is obviously sinking cause the captain is drunk. They now find themselves in need of a financial bailout. This is one problem in and of itself.
The second problem is this: as I pointed out yesterday, our tax dollars are currently being spent on the physical removal of hundreds of mail sorting and processing machines as well as innumerable mailboxes across the nation, in an apparent attempt to suppress mail-in voting for this year's election. And I just read today that mail delivery trucks are also now being decommissioned, and that post office operating hours have been reduced in some states, and overtime cut for postal workers. Add to that last weekend’s “Friday night massacre,” which included “a sweeping overhaul of the agency, including the ouster of top executives from key posts and the reshuffling of more than two dozen other officials and operational managers.” I’ve never been the head of an organization, but it seems to me if you want to fail, this is the way to do it. There is literally no competent, experienced leadership at the head of this massive organization right now. You wanna see how “trickle down” REALLY works? Here’s your model. I can’t imagine what the “boots on the ground” employees are having to deal with in the midst of such a shakeup.
The third problem is that Trump recently replaced the Postmaster General — who had 33 years of experience with the organization — with an unqualified sycophant (Louis DeJoy) simply because he was a major donor to Trump’s 2016 campaign. Add to that the fact that Dejoy has a multimillion-dollar stake in XPO Logistics, a company that would reap the benefits of a privatized mail delivery system, and we’ve got quite a conflict of interest story brewing here.
IF irreparable damage hasn’t already been done, then we’re definitely on that precipice.
So, my question for Trump supporters is, are you really ready to put ALL of your eggs in one basket? Meaning, are you so intent on lining up hook, line and sinker with anything and everything this president does, that you actually are willing to back this attack on this fundamental American institution without question? The U.S. postal system was established in 1775 (that’s 8.1 Grateful Dead tenures), and is a NONPARTISAN entity that fairly and equally serves every single American household BY LAW.
No matter how far out in Bumf**k you live, they will deliver mail to you every. day. of. the. week. Did your dad run out of his chewing tobacco? No problem! Does your mom have a subscription to “Mullet of the Month Magazine,” which guides her haircut choice for little Timmy? No problem! Does your wife, who just happens to be your cousin, want to keep getting that “1,001 Ways to Cook a Pig” publication? No problem! Does your brother follow in the footsteps of Ted Kaczynski? If so, he’s gonna need those disparate parts necessary to build that bomb delivered cheaply. And he doesn’t wanna get caught, so he should probably order each part individually, spaced out over the course of several months. (You’re welcome for the hot tip!) Point is: that postal carrier will deliver anything you need from anywhere in the country at the cheapest price possible.
On a more serious note: elderly people across the country depend on this service for lifesaving medications. Some of those infirm depend on it for food. Millions who have joined the ranks of the unemployed might depend on it for their unemployment check. Disabled people depend on it for their social security disability check. This is serious, life-saving stuff that knows no political affiliation. We all have equal access, and we all need it. If the USPS goes out of business, and mail delivery is then predicated on privatized companies, we all lose. We all lose a lot. And especially now, when so many are struggling financially, we all will lose a lot more money — cause lemme tell ya, Christmas is comin’ in like a freight train, and those Christmas cards you send out every year are going to require a first-class ticket going forward. As well as every other piece of mail or package you EVER want to send EVER AGAIN.
On top of all this, I hardly think NOW is the time to carelessly and intentionally throw 600,000 MORE people out of work, thereby also augmenting by 600,000 the number of Americans without health insurance. That’d be like six Grateful Dead Englishtown 9/3/77 audiences, you guys.
So, to return to that question about eggs. IF you are a diehard Trump supporter, and IF you want him to win no matter what: I beg of you — is there any way that y’all can steal this election at least WITHOUT allowing him to destroy this centuries-old non-partisan equal-to-all literally lifesaving service?? Please and thank you.
And just you know, I’m not eggsagerating about any of this. This is not an over-easy discussion, and I definitely shell not yoke about it. We are gonna be left scrambling now and hen for ways to ship things going forward. So, omelette y’all discuss this amongst yourselves now!

Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026


Photo credit: David Bryan, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico October 2019

The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 48
“One Last Mask Request”
So, it’s obvious that there is no reasoning with the folks who refuse to wear masks in the midst of a global pandemic. I’ve written about this a few times in this journal — and there are countless other pleas and petitions floating around out there, asking folks to take this simple step towards protecting their own parents and progeny, as well as mine and yours.
I seriously just don’t get it. The sense of entitlement, egotism, and self-centeredness are just astounding. I know some folks think this is just some form of attempted control, suppression, and oppression by some global cabal of sneaky scientists, who each supposedly spent the better part of a decade training to care for others and who each took the Hippocratic oath, just so they could — in the culmination of this one particular year — trick everyone into wearing a face covering. And that people might actually believe with the very fibre of their being that this whole worldwide conspiracy club are all in cahoots with one another, and that they are all just sitting in dark rooms somewhere sipping brandy, smoking cigars, and cracking jokes about how they conquered the world is just downright silly.
For those who still refuse to wear a mask: it is just supremely selfish for you to act in this manner. As I saw in a meme on Facebook, these are the same types of people who don’t pick up their dog shit; who toss trash on the ground; who dump motor oil down storm drains; who leave shopping carts in the middle of a parking lot; who talk during the middle of a movie in a public theater, or at a live music concert; who take up two parking spaces — this list goes on.
Just what IS it with these folks? I get that not cleaning up after your dog or talking in a movie theater are just simply rude, but this is not just about civility and politeness. THIS IS A DEADLY GLOBAL VIRUS THAT IS INFECTING BETWEEN 200-300 THOUSAND AND KILLING BETWEEN 5000-7000 PEOPLE EVERY SINGLE DAY ACROSS THE WORLD.
For those who would point to the percentage of these numbers in comparison to the world population: yes, the numbers are comparably low. But that is because MOST OF THE REST OF THE WORLD LISTENED TO THEIR HEALTH EXPERTS AND HAVE BEEN WEARING MASKS TO PROTECT THEIR PEOPLE. Anyway, the world is a large interconnected web. What happens “there” affects what happens “here,” and vice-versa. Stop thinking only about yourself, and have a little compassion for your fellow human beings.
Plus, look at those numbers again and DO THE MATH. In case you don’t know what “math” is, I’ll sum it up: 200K new reported infections per day (the low end of the averages right now) = 6 million new infections PER MONTH. Assuming another 6 months before a vaccine is developed = 36 MILLION by next February. AT LEAST. Mortalities? 5K per day (again, the low end of current averages) = 150K per month = 900K more fatalities by February. These are the numbers only if they hold steady at current rates. Which is doubtful, as this virus will most likely follow the path of the 1918 flu epidemic, and there will be a huge “second wave,” with these numbers rising drastically.
For those who don’t care about the global statistics, saying that it isn’t that bad here in America: Ummmm. Over 173 THOUSAND Americans (and counting) have died as a result of this virus. Oh, and 5.5 MILLION (and counting) might be dealing with perpetual health issues going forward, as we don’t yet know the full scope of this virus. Just because you personally don’t know anyone who has died doesn’t mean that you are exempt or that you will be spared. Have you even thought about that fact that these figures are not going down?? You’re making an argument based on current statistics. (As if it's rational to dismiss 173K deaths!) The number of those infected, and especially the number of those who have died, will not immediately stop increasing as of today. They are going to grow. Every single day, until we finally hit that apex, and then we will still have new infections and deaths daily, albeit declining, until we either achieve herd immunity or a vaccine is developed.
To all these folks: a reckoning is coming, and it’s coming soon. If you refuse to wear a mask, and you’re reading this right now: I want you to remember this moment when you are crying at the funeral of a family member or friend six months from now.
BUT who am I anyway? And what the hell do I know? Maybe I’m way off base. Maybe these anti-maskers are such miserable people anyway that they don’t care if they lose family. Hell, maybe it’s a whole subset of a generation of already angry people who just don’t care if the world falls apart. Maybe these people have contentious relationships with their parents, and are actually banking on the idea of mom and dad dying, so that they can get their greedy hands on that inheritance a little earlier.
Me personally? I think about a recent conversation with my father, who lives with my mother in a retirement community that is on full lockdown. They are allowed to go out and walk for exercise, or go to the store if they need something. But other than that, they are basically TRAPPED in a small apartment, and can’t have visitors, can’t go visit their family or friends, and can’t even visit with the other elderly residents who live in that facility. And in the conversation, my dad — who is pushing 80 — said, “The thing I hate the most about this is that I really didn’t plan on living out my final years in this manner, being cooped up like this, unable to do anything.”
Anti-maskers: that one last request — PLEASE stop being so selfish, and think about the millions of elderly folks out there, many of whom are probably going to die just sitting in a chair in front of a TV because they can’t go anywhere anymore, can’t visit with their other elderly friends who are in the same boat, and can’t even meet and hold their newborn grandchildren or great-grandchildren in person.
Maybe some of you sickos personally want your parents to die, just waiting in the wings for the spoils of their last will and testament. Personally, I could care less about that stuff. All I want is to be able to hug my parents at least one more time.
It’d also be nice to go to a movie theater again. But it’s unfortunate that you’ll probably be there too, ruining that for the rest of us as well.
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026


Photo credit: David Bryan, Saint-Germain-les-Belles, France May 2018

The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 49
“Post-Pandemic Possibilities, Part 3: Lighten the Load”
Today I’m continuing a thread I started last month about ways we might look to change our crazy culture if and when we ever get back to “normal.” I think many of my friends (and literally tens of millions of folks I don’t know) would agree that we don’t really WANT to go back to “normal.” But, assuming we can conquer this virus, we need to look back at what we have learned.
I was just visiting with my good friends in New Jersey for a long weekend, for another chance to get out of my tiny dwelling for some different scenery. Two of those days were workdays for them, as they both still have jobs. (Are they the lucky ones, or am I?) While I lounged about their apartment, searching social media for writing fodder, doing journal entries and such, I took notice of their work routines. Like much of America, they are now able to work almost 100% remotely.
I got to speaking with them, and found out the following. Whereas their alarm used to urge them out of slumber at 7am, they are now sleeping til 8:30 or 9. Showering is optional, and they can work in pajamas and a t-shirt. They are able to take a lunch break and enjoy a meal with each other instead of rushing out to “pick something up” to bring back to the office. They take a 30-minute walk in the afternoon, just to get out of the house and stretch their legs. And they also budget time for a short 20 or 30 minute nap, before getting back on their laptops to finish their workload. When all is said and done, they have NOT put in the standard “8 hour workday.” YET — they still get all their work done by the end of the week.
I imagine this is the case for much of the country right now. Which begs the question: WHY do we need to put in a full 40-hour workweek? If an employee is able to get the work done in less time, is it really necessary they be at their desk JUST TO BE THERE? I’ve posted this question in my other blog before, wondering who came up with this metric for full-time compensation, and also pointing out that with all the time necessary to get ready for work, plus commute times and then time needed for cooking, eating, and cleaning for dinner, that the average America ends up with something like a paltry four hours for themselves at the end of the day. And that these four hours — if we have enough energy — is the time we can dedicate to pursuing our crafts, hobbies, and the things that we really love and enjoy.
All that being said: WHEN we emerge on the other end of this, I propose we lighten the workload. We’ve already proven, as a nation, that we can conduct much of our business from the comfort of our own couches. So, what is the benefit in going back to “business as usual?” I think it’s time we implement something like a 30-hour workweek. Maybe 6 hours of work for the usual 5 days a week, but at least one day— if not two — remotely from home as we’ve been doing for the last 5 months. Or, better yet, let’s cut the workweek to 4 days, with maybe a 7 hour workday? Yes, I know it’s only 28 hours and that’s a big reduction in “number of hours worked.” But, come on, let’s be serious here. Unless you are an executive type who literally WORKS for a full 40 hours or more — for which you are being GENEROUSLY compensated — then you’re not really putting in 40 hours of actual work, are you?
I think of the movie “Office Space,” where the employees have to justify their jobs to an outside auditor, as the company is looking to downsize. Peter, the protagonist, recently went to a hypnotherapist who, humorously, puts Peter into a deep state of relaxation and then dies from a heart attack — leaving Peter in a solid state of Zen. So, when Peter meets with the auditors, the conversation begins like this:
Y'see, what we're trying to do here, we're just trying to get a feel for how people spend their day. So, if you would, would you just walk us through a typical day for you?
Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late. I use the side door, that way Lumbergh can't see me. Uh, and after that, I just sorta space out for about an hour.
Space out?
Yeah. I just stare at my desk but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too. I'd probably, say, in a given week, I probably do about fifteen minutes of real, actual work.
Now obviously this isn’t going to be the case for an actual employee in most organizations. But, let’s face it — there is SOME truth to this in just about every office job out there. So, why not just let the employees take back that time for themselves? When I was working fulltime, I thought to myself, “What I really NEED in my life is to be able to sleep a little later each morning, eat my meals more mindfully, spend more time with my cozy cats, and maybe even have a short nap in the afternoon. And I can still get all my work done! What I DON’T need in my life is the seemingly obligatory daily office exercises of early morning coworker coffee talk, late morning water cooler politics chats, early afternoon general space-out on social media, late afternoon comedy hour in the hallway with whoever happens to be nearby hoping to blow of some steam, and also the constant one-on-one closed door gripe sessions about fellow employees and supervisors.”
All of these things are a complete waste of time, and everyone in “Corporate” America was doing them every single day of their work life. And we all know it now, as a result of working from home during a quarantine, when nobody was punching time clocks or having to check in with superiors. We all did our zoom meetings at 11am, and then instead of rushing to get the work done, we fixed ourselves a leisurely lunch, put on a Netflix show, and actually enjoyed our midday meal with the confident knowledge that “work can wait, and I’ll get to it this afternoon.” My friends are concrete proof of this, and this was also my experience before becoming unemployed due to downsizing.
So, I advocate that we NOT go back to normal. Let’s admit that a 40-hour week standard is too much, that we are overworked and overwhelmed in this culture, and that we were all starting to go a little insane, having very few hours for ourselves to figure out just WHAT it is that makes us human. Because, as I’ve seen posted elsewhere, our purpose in life CANNOT be just to work and pay bills. There has to be more, MUCH more. And I vote that we be given more time to ponder the meaning of life, and figure out what that purpose is, and where we all fit in the grand scheme of things.
Obviously, this post can only apply to those in cushy so-called “REAL” jobs, and doesn’t apply to those who work for an hourly rate, who literally do have to punch a time clock every day. I will have more — MUCH more — to say about THESE folks in my next entry in this series. Because, as we found out when the whole country shut down, THESE folks are the ONLY workers in this country whose work is absolutely ESSENTIAL.
And it’s high time we started treating them as such.
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026


Photo credit: David Bryan, Paris, France May 2018

The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 50
“Fuzzy Math And Fluffy Science”
Back in the sane political days (!!!) of George W. Bush, we all became familiar with the term “fuzzy math.” Fast forward twenty years, and I’d like to coin a new phrase: Fluffy Science.
You see, the President of the United States of America — the supposed leader of the free world who has completely botched the national response to a once-in-a-century pandemic — has lately been grasping at straws vis-a-vis this virus, as he reacts to his poll numbers slipping as more and more Americans start to become aware of the con artist that he truly is.
Often contradicting his own pandemic response team, and distancing himself more and more from his own appointed scientists, he has continued to downplay the severity of the virus, continues to claim that we are winning this war, and has repeatedly jumped on the bandwagon of fringe claims from discredited doctors. First he touted the claims of supposed anti-vaxxer Judy Mikovits, who is a discredited former medical researcher. Next, he jumped at the chance to retweet a seemingly passionate plea about the wonders of hydroxychloroquine from a woman who also believes that demons have sex with people in their sleep, and that the government is run by alien/human hybrids.
Now, he is pushing a new type of snake oil: a drug called Oleandrin, an unproven supposed coronavirus treatment that could possibly be toxic. This drug has been suggested to him by a business crony with absolutely no medical experience. Coming as no surprise whatsoever, the man pushing this miracle cure serves on the board of directors for Phoenix Biotechnology, a company that manufactures the extract — highlighting the fact that if this supposed cure gains public traction, he stands to make quite a bit of money. Oh, and this man is also the CEO of
This is not the first time we’ve heard of this man, as he has shared the podium with Trump before. But even now, more than that first appearance, one has to ask: why is the head of an online pillow company being given the spotlight — especially as having some kind of medical expertise pertaining to battling a deadly virus? I didn’t pay much attention in high school science classes, but I’m pretty sure I never heard anything about bedding.
I guess if we buy this man’s pillows, we’ll at least all sleep better? Maybe we’ll love his product so much, that we’ll just spend more time in bed, sleeping late into the morning and taking naps throughout the day? (Especially since a bunch of us don't have jobs to go to anymore!) I guess that’s one way to avoid the virus? Just don’t ever leave your bedroom??
And sorry to say, but it also just sounds downright silly. “I’d like to introduce my friend, the CEO of My Pillow dot com!” Geez man, couldn’t you at least align yourself with something that sounds a little more . . . masculine?? Maybe a trucking company or logging outfit — something rugged and tough? This guy sounds a little . . . soft . . . to me.
But, hey - with our country becoming an evermore international embarrassment with regards to our anything but scientific response, I guess it’s not a surprise that we should be expected to fawn over this fluffy new science.
Maybe Trump is buying stock in this man’s comfy little company. Herbert Hoover supposedly promised a “chicken in every pot” during the campaign of 1928. I guess a good slogan for Trump’s 2020 campaign could be something like: “A comfy pillow to lay your head for when the virus strikes you dead!”
I guess since he can’t defeat the virus, he can at least promise a comfortable coffin for all Americans.

Photo credit: David Bryan, Saint-Germain-les-Belles, France May 2018

Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026


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