The "Idle Janie" Journal - Days 41 to 45
Photo credit: David Bryan, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico October 2019
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 41
To mask or not to mask, that is the question.
I believe I stated earlier that we should just give up battling this virus. And well we should — and for many different reasons. At this point it’s pointless. These anti-mask idiots are, like their furor, wallowing in such narcissistic individualistic self-centeredness that it honestly doesn’t matter anymore. The virus has ostensibly been given a free pass to run rampant throughout the land, unimpeded and unchallenged.
But for real, what the hell is wrong with these people?????
At this point, I feel like IF you are a rugged, angry libertarian type, who is screaming about your rights being taken away and government overreach and state oppression, then I say THANKS FOR AT LEAST BEING HONEST IN STANDING UP FOR YOUR FREEDOM.
But some of these anti-maskers are downright stupid. Or scared? Or “Little Mr. & Mrs. Uncomfortable”? So, over the last few weeks we’ve heard of some of these folks posting selfies wearing useless netted masks to appear compliant with rules they don't agree with. Which is, I guess, a form of protest and *possibly* admirable? Land of the free, after all!
But Jesus H Christ we’re also hearing about people printing up fake documents with supposed government stamps on them saying they have a health condition and therefore are not subject — BY LAW — to the mask mandate.
And now — just today — I read about something called the 'Freedom To Breathe Agency,’ which seems to be people with design-and-print-at-home laminated “Government ID cards,” who are supposedly going around targeting “essential employees,” telling them they could face legal action for requiring patrons to mask up. They themselves are masquerading — quite ironically — as government workers in this attempt to “get out” of having to follow the recommended guidelines.
These people are soooooo at odds with being asked to do a very simple act of compassion for others for 30 minutes when they’re in a grocery store, that they are literally grasping at straws for any excuse NOT to do so.
I guess I should say “Kudos to the Karens.” AT LEAST they’re opposing masks with conviction and a sense of actual liberty, and not just acting like a little crybaby, trying to sneak one by the rest of us.
Bunch of “wimpy kitty baby winers.”
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
Photo credit: David Bryan, Luquillo Beach, Puerto Rico October 2019
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 42
“Well THAT Was Short Lived!”
I started this journal on July 1st, my first full day of unemployment. For those who have been reading — all six of you LOL — you might remember Day 9, where I talked about a checklist of 16 things that I want to do every day, for my physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. I followed this list religiously, and found myself accomplishing all 16 tasks daily for almost a solid month.
It was one of the best months of my adult life.
Since late July, I have found my time more and more consumed with applying for unemployment insurance (it took me a bit of time because I don’t fit well into “boxes” and found myself unable to simply fill out the forms, instead having to email back and forth with the labor department for guidance), certifying that insurance weekly, looking online for job possibilities, adjusting cover letters, sending resumes, crafting emails with salary requirements and recommendations, applying for medicaid, speaking with NY Dept. of Health by phone (had to basically go through the process twice due to technological issues [as usual]), etc., etc.
The checklist is out the window.
To be sure, the checklist “balanced” or “corrected” itself — such that the really important things are now mostly getting accomplished naturally (like writing in here every day!) However, I haven’t been as focused on checking everything off, as I simply haven’t been able to budget the time to make sure everything is getting done. It’s okay, I’m still living my best life. But I hate that that near month of 100% success has been impacted by “life” so to speak — by having to devote time to things that I’d rather not be doing. Some days I only get 6 or 7 things accomplished, as it feels like the day just flies by, and I feel like I lost that healthy life rhythm.
Again, no worries — I’m still quite enjoying my new life. But, I guess now I know how my parents feel. They’re retired and apparently busier than they ever have been. (Before coronavirus, to be sure. But as long as they’ve been retired, they have always mentioned how much busier life has seemed.)
Serious question, though. What kind of society have we created where this could even be imagined as normal — where once you aren’t working fulltime, you find yourself with less time on your hands????
Friends, please share my posts, and my virtual concert videos. Drop something in the virtual tip jar if you feel so inclined. I need to be doing THIS every day for the rest of my life, not sitting behind a desk having to answer to someone else. If that happens, I fear the checklist will end up on the back shelf permanently, and I’ll end up dying of “society sickness.”
A dead David will be no good for any of you. (Well, at least for most!

Photo credit: David Bryan, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico October 2019
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
Photo credit: David Bryan, New York, New York April 2020
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 43
“Strangers stopping strangers, just to shake their hands”
We’re now 8ish months into this pandemic. Some of us are still holed up in hibernation, while others are back to work, and some even getting back to some semblance of a social life — with some bars, restaurants, and retail shops opening up in some capacity across the country.
Regardless of your state/city and whatever approach they are taking, I assume that by this point, our culture has completely curtailed the practice of shaking hands? I hope so. I know that each culture has their particular customs for communicating with new people, and ours is one of those that has relied for centuries on shaking hands.
If we haven’t collectively done so yet, then we need to get rid of this practice altogether. At once.
I worked for a church for 12 years before losing my job due to this pandemic. But, I also have been singing in church choirs for almost 20. And there is a point in the service known as “The Peace,” where traditionally you would turn to those around you and shake their hands, saying “Peace be with you!” THIS is a nice custom, as it gives one a chance to acknowledge their neighbors, even the strangers around them. However, as a singer, I MANY years ago stopped shaking hands at this point. I would either give the obligatory “elbow bump” or else I would flash a peace sign (HIPPIE!!) or just bow towards the other singers. I noticed others in the choir doing this, but it still felt awkward to me at times — as it has always felt in the public realm altogether when greeting someone. How do you respond when someone approaches you, hand outstretched, expecting you to accept this embrace?
Personally, I’ve always HATED shaking hands. I think it’s just plain stupid. Mind you, I’ve always been an ever-so-slight germaphobe — not in any kind of obsessive compulsive or crazy way. But I’ve just always been more the type to hug anyway. Hugging doesn’t require skin to skin contact. And it’s also more intimate. With the right kind of person, you can even hug upon meeting for the first time. (HIPPIE!! PART 2)
Generally speaking, I don’t enjoy meeting new people. I’ve already got enough friends, thank you very much! And I hate small talk. Birthday gatherings are the worst, because you only get 5 or 10 minutes with the birthday boy/girl, then you end up having to repeat the same “this is what I do, this is where I’m from” story to a bunch of strangers over and over again. It’s exhausting. But the main thing I hate is having to shake those people’s hands. “Hey, this is my friend David! David, this is my friend ________.” Oh great, nice to meet you, let’s touch our hands together and spread germs with someone we don’t even know and probably will never see again. Add to that, now there’s a deadly virus being passed around in myriad ways. ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE FOR THIS PERSON YOU’VE NEVER EVEN MET BEFORE? Sorry not sorry, but I’m not.
I’m obviously not going to demand a national mandate or federal decree, because this is such a simple change we can all make, to show some respect for an invisible killer, but also to show respect for our fellow human beings. Giving an elbow bump or bowing to someone is an act we can all abide by. And it’s been done for centuries in other cultures.
Looks like the germaphobes are getting their time in the limelight! They were right all along. And should no longer feel any sense of shame for not wanting to shake hands. But you just wait. And watch. Just like masks, once we’re past this pandemic, the country will be divided on this public practice. And half of the country will immediately go back to this stupid ritual, while the other half will cower in fear when meeting new people, for fear of being labeled some kind of snowflake or sissy for not “being man enough” to shake hands with some stranger.
I’m just going to stay inside and avoid the whole lot of you.

Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
Photo credit: David Bryan, Lulworth Cove, England May 2019
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 44
In today’s “I know, it’s hard to believe, but this isn’t satire” headlines, your president and his rudderless clueless corrupt administration has apparently released a proposal to roll back water efficiency standards for shower heads.
He said — and you can’t make this stuff up: “So shower heads — you take a shower, the water doesn't come out. You want to wash your hands, the water doesn't come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair — I don’t know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect.”
Ok, first point: Never mind that we are actively battling the increasing negative effects of climate change exacerbated by our dependence on carbon-based energy, and that loosening these restrictions on shower heads will be a step backwards. Sure, it seems like a silly little point, and why does it matter? Because IT DOES. Climate change is coming in like a banshee, and we need to take EVERY. LITTLE. STEP. WE. CAN. to defeat this looming disaster. Plus, with hotter and hotter summers, and water more and more scarce, maybe it’s worth considering — just considering — what we can do to preserve and protect this valuable ostensibly dwindling natural resource? MARK MY WORDS: the entire world is going to be fighting in the near future over WATER. Maybe let’s try to enjoy just a couple more years of it, without knowingly and purposefully making things worse, before we commence with this conflict? (OR — and get this — maybe we even try to figure out ways to CONSERVE water?? I know, I know. It’s totally insane to think that way. Thanks for humoring me!)
Second point: SERIOUSLY, DUDE????? I have NEVER heard ANYONE else complain about shower heads and water flow. So, we have a nation of 334 million people who apparently could give a crap, and we’re going to outright change national policy FOR THIS ONE NARCISSISTIC IDIOT? I mean, come on folks. If you support this man, and haven’t by now realized that he could care less about you and your family and your future, and that he cares ONLY for himself (and, perhaps those who donate to his reelection campaign), then maybe just maybe this will finally pull the wool from your eyes? Oh, and in case you haven’t been keeping up with the news, he is more or less aiming to dissolve the United States Postal Service (which is going to increase the cost of mailing everything drastically) and is also basically looking to end your social security and medicare. If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention. Oh, and by the way, this is basically his reaction to shower heads in the white house and, I presume, his personal resorts, right? My water flow is fine, thanks very much. How the hell are you going to suggest nationwide energy policy changes based SOLELY on YOUR OWN shower heads?????? I smell a rat. Which of his cronies stands to make millions more from this policy shift? Think about it. We’re seriously being played here. Every single day. On every single issue. I’m so sick of it.
Third point: THIS is what he finds important to talk about, in the midst of an international pandemic, which is poised to pulverize our population this fall?????? HIS HAIR?????????????
I. Seriously. Just. Can’t. Even. Any. More. It feels a bit like we’re in the midst of one incredibly long standup comedy routine, doesn’t it? Only I’m not laughing. I’m seriously starting to cry.
OH! And as an aside, for those who haven’t seen the meme floating around, or heard the news, your president has the following to say about the following women:
Hillary Clinton — Historic First female Presidential nominee of a major political party: “Nasty woman!”
Nancy Pelosi — Historic First female Speaker of the House of Representatives:
“Nasty woman!”
Kamala Harris: Historic First female black/asian-american Vice-Presidential nominee: “Nasty woman!”
Ghislaine Maxwell: Currently in jail on charges of sex trafficking:
“I wish her well.”
Just trying to get some of you up to speed here, folks.
Photo credit: David Bryan, Lulworth Cove, England May 2019
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026
Photo credit: David Bryan, Guimarães, Portugal November 2018
The “Idle Janie” Journal - Day 45
“No More Alarms!”
Took a day off today, so thought I'd share a post from last year -- about my hatred of alarms. I don't have this problem anymore! 😂
Just click the link below.
Thanks for reading. If you like what you read, and want to support my fledgeling career as a writer and musician, you can drop a few bucks in the virtual tip jar. It all adds up!
Venmo: @David-Bryan10026